Local Parcel Lockers. A PO Box gives you a number, not an address. The UPS Store mailbox services give you a real street address. A PO Box doesn't offer additional services. The UPS Store mailbox services always come with professional help from our team.
What is the meaning of “Shipping notice received”?
When tracking you might get “Shipping notice received” or “Shipping notice received from WISH” or “Logistics order has been created“.
This means seller/shipper has applied a tracking number with shipping software provided by third party (WISH, AliExpress etc) but has not shipped the goods yet.
If you just got the tracking number from seller, please wait about 2 to 3 business days, if seller has actually shipped the goods. China Post tracking system will provide updated shipment date and location information about the parcel number.
If over 3 business days and you still get same result as “”shipping notice received”. You should be cautious of fake shipment. If you purchased from big website such as eBay/AliExpress/Amazon/Wish etc, you should contact seller and push him/her to ship the goods immediately. Tell him/her if you can not get real shipment information in next 3 days, you will open dispute against fraud. In most of cases, sellers will take immediate action on shipment to avoid dispute and shop downgrade penalty.
DHL Service Point is an easy and carbon neutral way to send your documents and parcels to anywhere in the world from the convenience of your local high street or retail park! You don't need a DHL account to use this drop off service and free packaging is available at all our locations.
How To Use Parcel Postbox
When you send a parcel with DHL Service Point, we recommend that you complete your parcel details online before visiting a store. Once you have completed your parcel details, you will receive a confirmation number. Simply take this number to your local DHL Service Point, pick a free box and pay.
Where can I find DHL Service Point locations?
DHL’s fast and reliable worldwide delivery service is available at selected Safestore, WHSmith and Robert Dyas stores, as well as 100s of independent stores nationwide. Find your nearest DHL Service Point
How much does it cost to send a parcel with DHL Service Point?
Is Postbox Free
Our delivery prices are determined by the free box size you choose and we only have 7 size categories, making it incredibly easy to check exactly how much it will cost to send your parcel.
Where Is My Nearest Parcel Postbox
Please remember to check what you can and can't send with DHL before you visit!